Annotation Review

Conduct thorough reviews of annotations, approve or reject entries, and provide insightful comments.

The Labelo Review feature is designed to streamline the quality control process, ensuring that every annotation meets your standards. With an intuitive interface and powerful tools, you can conduct in-depth reviews, leave detailed feedback, and maintain a seamless collaboration between annotators and reviewers.

Key Features

Approval Workflow

Approval Workflow

Easily approve or reject annotations with a clear workflow, making quality control efficient and transparent.

Commenting System

Commenting System

Provide detailed feedback on each annotation. Reviewers can leave comments for annotators, improving collaboration and refining results.

Tagging and Highlighting

Tagging and Highlighting

Use tags or highlight specific parts of an annotation to emphasize areas that need attention or improvement.

Annotation History

Annotation History

Track the full history of each annotation, ensuring you can review changes over time and maintain a transparent workflow.

Multiple Reviewer Roles

Multiple Reviewer Roles

Assign different reviewers to specific tasks or data sets, ensuring expertise and efficiency throughout the review process

Batch Reviewing

Batch Reviewing

Save time by reviewing multiple annotations at once with bulk approval or rejection, while still leaving comments or feedback when necessary.

Collaborative Workflows

Collaborative Workflows

Reviewers and annotators can collaborate in real-time, exchanging feedback and insights to enhance the quality of the final dataset.

Task Tracking

Task Tracking

Keep track of pending reviews and completed tasks with the built-in tracking system, ensuring nothing is overlooked.

Ensure Quality and Consistency

Ensure Quality and Consistency

The Labelo Review feature ensures that your annotations go through a rigorous quality assurance process, enabling you to identify and address any discrepancies. This helps maintain a high level of consistency and accuracy across your entire dataset, making sure your final annotations are ready for use in downstream processes like model training or analysis.

Whether working with a small team or large-scale operations, Labelo’s review system adapts to your needs, ensuring that every annotation meets the highest quality standards.